No Paycheck is Worth Regretting Your Life

Sonya's bosses loved her.

Every. Single. Project. Was top notch work.

So they gave her more projects.

And sometimes shorter deadlines.

But Sonya put in 300% for Every. Single. Project. She was on.

She was the definition of " beyond reproach"... reproach at work anyway.

As we worked together she confessed she may need to miss her son's 6th birthday party. It crushed her.

As we went deeper, it became clear that overworking and missing family time was a regular thing. She loved her family, and it hurt so much to miss the little things... but not doing good work made her sick to her stomach and even a little faint.

She already didn't have enough time with family and she dreamed of having another child with her patient husband... But that was on hold until work slowed down.

Which of course it wouldn't because the company was getting three employees for one paycheck.

Sonya was suffering from "perfectionism trauma". She was driven to excellence because of old mental rules that screamed "this was the only way to be!"

But those rules in her head ignored her true priorities - balance versus overpleasing.

As Sonya worked through the Impact & Identity program, she was supported through all the fear, dread, and shame that can come from truly transforming to the next level.

Sonya was never alone. Me, my team, and our coaching group supported and held her through a new and still successful way of being.

If you’re thinking perfectionism trauma is not just a "lady thing" - Here's a test:

- look at your calendar and see how many events you had to miss for work

- ask yourself how many family or partner dinners you weren't mentally there for

- consider the things your friends did on the weekend (or on, what’s that??), but you can't share anything recent from your life.

I help people thrive at work without giving up who they authentically are.

What does that look like?

Seeing office drama and not getting sucked in

Being confident when you’re asked to update a group of decision-makers mid-project (with no warning!) without planning your outline for hours

Gaining impressive credibility without paying tuition for yet another certification

Feeling secure and safe even when uncertainty ramps up

Answering “so what do you do?” with pride and ease

Leaving work stress at work (so it can’t create an invisible forcefield in bed with your honey)

No paycheck is worth regretting your life.

Ready to get your life back? Book a call to find out if Impact and Identity can do exactly that.

It's time.


My grandma's final days


Procrastination Guilt