I Thought It Was My Fault
What can happen in your career when your family is more than happy to do this to the only copy of your HS senior picture?
You can end up projecting all that internalized pain on your work family-- without even knowing it.
How does that show up?
You assume someone at work doesn't like you... so you're always on high alert
You believe friendly people may just be being nice
You worry your boss has out for you
Thoughts that the "other shoe" will drop at any moment and you won't be able to make rent happen daily
All of this equals hyper-vigilance on the job from day 1--even if they are constantly giving you glowing reviews.
Any one of these reactions/states of mind mean it will be hard for you to:
Accept compliments
Allow yourself to feel like you belong
Trust that you are performing well enough
The truth is, it is way too easy to bring unsupportive people from our family of origin with us wherever we go.
But we don't have to.
We are able to evict them from our hearts and minds.
We ARE able to heal from the hurt.
We can learn patterns with a more realistic view of people.
and ....
*** We can finally RELAX while still being successful and productive at work. ***
It took me decades to figure out, but I took good notes. I'm honored that I get to help others do the same..